Christmas started out rocky this year. Friday, the evening before I was set to drive 3 hours to my parents’ house for Christmas, my car failed. Long story short, I got there anyway. Over the past few years my Mom has been going crazy with alternative cooking techniques, and one of the awesome new goodies she’s been using is the Dutch Oven (pictured left with the coals). I have never had a more tender roast than one cooked in a Dutch Oven. Approve.
Before dinner, the neighbors came over and we shot guns at old metal gas-cans for a while. My parents’ neighborhood is pretty awesome. haha. After dinner we were all in a food coma so we went to sleep early, which was a good idea anyway because we had a big day of shredding ahead of us.
Sunday morning we drove down to the town of Auburn, and across the famous Foresthill bridge to the Mammoth Bar OHV recreation area. The day’s plan… Downhill Mountain biking with my bro and a bunch of his friends.
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I can’t stress enough that my little brother is a world-class professional at this. I used to be able to absolutely throttle him on a dirtbike, but this was his territory. I was the slowest guy in our group! There were some younger kids with their parents, and the PARENTS were faster than me! I still had fun though. Even when I lost my chain entirely on the first run of the day and had to free-wheel the rest of the time, I still had fun. haha!
That’s it! I would’ve had more material, but I was too busy “shredding the gnar” as the bikers say!