Chronicles of the World Drift Series Pt. 2

The following two days went by fairly fast. Most of our time we spent going to the big street markets to find some cool stuff to bring home. The big market we liked was a little too far to walk to, so we got courageous and headed to the streets to get some cabs.

Chronicles of the World Drift Series Pt. 1

As some of you may know, Justin Shreeve and I got the opportunity to join Larry Chen in filming the World Drift Series in Tianjin, China. Our Journey began Saturday night, as we were meeting Larry and the U.S. drivers for the event at LAX. Justin and I arrived to the airport a few hours […]

Drift Evo Rd. 4

Off with the old and on with the new. As some of you may know, Justin and I recently picked up some new kicks for our cars. His 17×10.5 +11 Work VS-KFs and my 17×10.5 +11 Work VS-XXs would be the first proper set of wheels that our cars have worn. Justin wasted no time […]

TD ProAm Round 5

Round 5 marked the end of the TD ProAm season, where the leaders found out if they could stay ahead and the middle of the pack found out if they could catch up. When the smoke settled, four new Formula DRIFT pro licenses were given away.


ThunderDrift’s Super-Am is a series of single-run skidpad drifting competitions designed to get drivers ready for ProAm. It’s not a requirement for ProAm, just a way for newer drivers to see how they fare in a low-risk competition environment. There’s even a 2-event cap on the number of previous competitions a driver has been to, […]


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TD ProAm Round 4

I decided not to write anything for this one. It’s hard to write two stories about the same event, and there were a lot of good photos that wouldn’t have fit that well. So I give you a Larry-Syle PhotoBlog.